Youth Ministries
7th - 12th Grade Students

The culture enveloping school campuses today dictates that students make choices that can impact the rest of their lives. During this crucial time, students are searching for their own identity and are struggling to fit in with their peers. We are dedicated to ministering to students and to effectively communicate the gospel at a time when they are vulnerable to negative peer pressure. It is the goal of this ministry to relate compassionately to students. It is imperative that the message expressed to these students communicates the relevancy of the gospel of Jesus Christ to experiences that they encounter daily on the school campus. Oftentimes, you will have only one opportunity to spark an interest in these students. If you do not present the gospel in such a way that is applicable to their world, they may not give it another chance. Students are encouraged in this ministry to build authentic relationships.

Meets in the youth building at 10 AM on Sunday mornings. This is an environment of learning and study through specific topics and books of the Bible. Teachers are Jerry and Billie Allen.
Meets in the youth building at 10 AM on Sunday mornings. This is an environment of learning and study through specific topics and books of the Bible. Teachers are Jerry and Billie Allen.

Mary Kellar